Yachtcharter in Cozumel · Sea Ray — Spx 230 (2022)

Beschreibung von Diego's Motorboot
Sea Ray - Spx 230
Segeln Sie um die besten Orte in Cozumel. Besuchen Sie El Cielo Cozumel, Isla Pasión und andere geheime Orte. Alles ist in dieser Charta enthalten. Fisch Ceviche Guacamole Früchte Chips Bier Limonaden Wasser Jose Cuervo Tequila Bacardi Schnorchelausrüstung
Ausstattung des Motorbootes
Dienstleistungen des Motorbootes

Inserat von Diego
Hi! I My name is Diego Onboard. CEO of Mr. Yacht Mx. My company operates 30 different boats, yachts and catamarans. I’m a overnight/liveaboard charter specialist. Throughout the years of experience renting out my boats, I’ve had a number of premium clients such as CEOs, celebrities, diplomats and other public figures. This has helped me to understand the highest of standards, and therefore reach excellent service. My crew and I create tailor made experiences to make dreams come true. Anything is possible with our company. Djs, cakes, champagne, fishing, snorkeling, jet skis, yacht party, or taking a yacht for a week to visit Bahamas, or other islands.
Liegeplatz motorboot: Puerto De Abrigo, Cozumel
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