Yachtcharter in Lissabon · Valiant — Pt 850 (2006)

Beschreibung von Sidonio's RIB
Valiant - Pt 850
Ein ausgezeichnetes Boot für Abenteuer auf See und auf dem Fluss. Begleiten Sie eine erfahrene Crew auf einem Tagesausflug für Ihre Gruppe von Freunden oder Ihrer Familie.
Ausstattung des RIBs
Dienstleistungen des RIBs

Inserat von Sidonio
Hi, I'm Sid, Captain Sid. I started working with dolphins in 2008, in the south of Portugal, Sagres. Before that, with a great passion for the Ocean, I graduated in Marine Biology and Fisheries, and traced my academic and professional steps with enthusiasm. I than engaged in a Marine Biodiversity and Conservation international Masters. With a vast experience in sea turtle conservation area, fisheries policy, fisheries observer, sailor, cetacean observation and fluent in 5 languages, finally, and together with other partners, we founded SeaEO Tours company. The project provides alternative programmes where our guests are closer to nature departing from an urban environment. Diversifying the demands on boat tours in Lisbon is also part of our objectives. My sailing experience allied to the marine wildlife interest allowed us to create this unique tour that some consider it a “once in a lifetime” experience in which we will add adventure. During 3 hours, venture with us on our 8,5m RIBs, with comfortable and safe conditions. As a Marine Biologist, I will take you on a marine safari, in which you will get closer to ocean wildlife with a scientific approach. We collect data and collaborate with environmental authorities as well as oceanographic research groups.
Liegeplatz RIB: Doca De Alcântara, Lissabon
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