Yacht charter in Gersau · Sea Ray — 240da (1996)

Description of Martino's motor yacht
Sea Ray - 240da | 2 Cabins
Boat in great condition, engine almost new! All safety-relevant equipment is of course available. The boat is located in the beautiful harbor of Riviera Felsenegg in Gersau. Collection from Beckenried or Brunnen is possible. After spending many years as a captain on the world's largest airliner, the A380, I am now more drawn to the water. I have a lot of fun sharing my new passion. The experience of spending a day on the lake with a chartered boat is unique. Lake Lucerne is certainly the most diverse and beautiful of the Swiss lakes! ;-) I am very flexible when it comes to planning our excursion. Be it a bathing day in a beautiful bay, a sightseeing tour through the bay of Lucerne, a historical trip with Schillerstein, Tellskapelle and Rütliwiese!? You are the guest, you decide. Tours are generalli Friday, Saturday and Sunday. With a bit of advance planning, I could also organize myself during the week. Just ask! Although the Sea Ray is licensed for 8 people, I don't want to take more than 4 passengers on the tour. The experience is simply better when it's not so tight. Important note: I do not pull any water toys like tube, banana or waterski! I generally do not rent out the boat without me as the skipper! Renting the boat without me as skipper requires a prior meeting to check your knowledge and skills, as well as a test trip. I would be happy to welcome you as my guests on board soon! :-)
Equipment available on the motor yacht
Services provided by Martino
Overall rating
Martin was great! Boat was in great condition. Can’t wait to take another trip.

Andy and his friends were the best charter guests you could wish for. I would take them on the lake anytime again!
we loved Martin. He was such a nice host and very knowledgeable of Lake Lucerne. I recommend him to everyone.

Such a nice family! Seems that they had great fun. Would take them anytime on another trip!

Offered by Martino
Ich besitze seit einem Jahr mein eigenes Boot und verbringe fast die ganze Freizeit auf dem See!
Location of the motor yacht: Riviera Boote Felsenegg, Gersau
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